STORIES AND TIPS written to INSPIRE you to
Complaining Changes Nothing.
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Complaining is easy, friend. Choosing intentional action is hard. It goes against our negativity bias. Where in your life are you complaining without doing something about it? You can CHOOSE happiness now.
And you don’t have to wait to be happy when
…your boss finally retires.
…your husband gets his act together.
…you start making more money.
...your social post goes viral.
…your kids are out of diapers.
The Only Constant is Change
Change is scary. Or at least that’s the narrative I’ve been telling myself lately. But who said that? And is it true? Getting where you want to go requires you to evolve.
The Great Wedding Dress Debacle.
friend, you’re allowed to change your mind. A past dream doesn't have to dictate your choice today. It’s never too late. Whether it’s the dress you’re wearing on your wedding day or how you define a colorful life, make sure your choices are a reflection of YOU.
Why Reading 100 Books Was a Problem.
I love to read. From the time I was little, I could be found with a book in my hand. Then why was it a problem when I set out to read 100 books in 1 year?
Henry Ford Got It Right.
The most important conversation you'll have all day is the one happening inside your own head. It's the key to making your vision stick. You have to believe in what's possible for you before you ever see the results.
Winter Works in Your Favor.
While you don’t see a plant’s growth on the outside during winter, it's happening inside and underground as the roots grow deeper. Like a plant, winter is necessary for your growth.
Temporary Discomfort Leads to Growth.
Where do you feel uncomfortable? Are you experiencing good discomfort or bad discomfort? Keep reading to learn the difference and how to move forward regardless.
Endings Make Way for New Beginnings.
Have you ever had that gut feeling that there’s something more you’re supposed to be doing with your life? You can’t quite explain it but it’s an inner knowing. A client once asked me how you know when it’s the right time to make a change. My short answer to her …
Slow Growth is Still Progress.
We humans live in a world of quick fixes and instant gratification. Long gone are the days of waiting patiently for people to return the VHS tape to Blockbuster. Cue Netflix. Amazon Prime. Instacart. Research shows that sustainable change takes time. This often leaves us feeling confused when we want to get better or feel better right now.
A Love Note to My Future Self
This started out as a “38 Things I’d Tell My Younger Self” blog. Then I remembered a recent conversation I had with my friend Jaime. You can’t go back to the old you. No matter how much you want it, she doesn’t exist anymore.
Live in Color.
Do you ever remember the moment you woke up? And I’m not talking about from a dream. But in life? The moment you had awareness and clarity like you’d never had before? This dream was it for me.
Goodbye Winter. Hello Spring.
Dearest Winter,
Last Sunday, I woke up in a panic thinking I wouldn’t have time to tackle my to-do list for the day. But alas, I did. It was as if time slowed for me to enjoy my Sunday Funday. The sun hung a little longer in the sky than the previous day. The temperatures were warm upon my skin. The tulips were a plenty. Spring was in the air. She’s been knocking at my door and I’ve got to let her in.
Choosing Me.
Picking up where we left off…
After that profound lunch, I returned to my hotel room. What felt fancy when I arrived suddenly felt cold and empty. Where does one go to find herself again? I was lost. So naturally, I cried. Big, fat alligator tears. I needed to escape, get out of the lonely hotel room in which I felt trapped.