Winter Works in Your Favor.

Winter is working in your favor, friend. We only have to turn to nature to see how.

Instead of exerting energy on producing blooms, plants embrace winter by changing at a cellular level which not only allows them to thrive in cold months but also prepares for them to bloom come Spring.

While you don’t see a plant’s growth on the outside during winter, it's happening inside and underground as the roots grow deeper.

Like a plant, winter is necessary for your growth.

What that means to you is embracing this cold, slower season by reflecting, learning and doing the inner work to make shifts in your life.

And the real value is experiencing the richness and fullness of life that only comes after a season of deep rest and preparation.

Living a rich, vibrant life is what you want, isn’t it?

The definition of word vibrant means pulsating with life, vigor or activity. It also means bright and striking with color.

Try this exercise:

  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

  • Silently say the word "vibrant" to yourself a few times.

  • Imagine yourself pulsating with life, vigor, full of color and bright.

What do you see? Comment below and share what a vibrant life looks like for you!


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