Going Where You've Never Been.

Have you ever gone somewhere you’ve never been before? It's easy to assume you know the way.

A few years ago, I was teaching a yoga workshop in downtown Edmond at a new studio. Familiar with the area, I loaded up my mat and went on my merry way with the assumption I knew where I was headed. 

You know what they say about assuming, right?

On the drive, a friend called and we started chatting about our plans for the day. It wasn’t until I’d circled the same block 3 times that a light bulb went off!

  1. I kept doing the same thing (circling the block) but expecting different results (my destination to magically appear).

  2. I was distracted + unfocused.

  3. I needed to course correct.

It was only when I looked back at where I’d been + acknowledged where I was currently that I could see I wasn’t far from my intended destination.

Pausing to reflect and get clear before moving forward is powerful. Have you done this yet?

Imagine getting to the end of the year and looking back without regret, not thinking “I wish I would have…” because you paused to get clear rather than assuming.

Reflect on what was good, how you grew, where you are and what you really desire as your legacy.

Snag your copy of the 2024 Vision workshop workbook + replay here to guide you.


Winter Works in Your Favor.


Unintended Destinations.