STORIES AND TIPS written to INSPIRE you to
Henry Ford Got It Right.
The most important conversation you'll have all day is the one happening inside your own head. It's the key to making your vision stick. You have to believe in what's possible for you before you ever see the results.
Going Where You've Never Been.
Have you ever gone somewhere you’ve never been before? It's easy to assume you know the way.
The Rescuer.
For years, I prided myself on being a rescuer. Whatever was wrong, I had the one solution that would work. Better than them doing it themselves, I would do it for them. It took me a long time to realize that it isn’t my job to “fix” people. In doing so, I assume something is wrong with them in the first place.
Simply Evolving. What's Next.
That’s the proverbial question that seems to be on everybody’s mind when they see me. As I mentioned in this Instagram post, I didn’t have all the answers when I first returned. In fact, I still don’t. However, I have a very clear direction of what I want and how to get there. I’d love for you to come along on the journey as I write my next chapter. What’s in store? Glad you asked.
Connect the Dots.
When I little, I used to love connect-the-dot pages. Taking my crayon or marker and drawing the line from one number to the next was both challenging and exciting. I was always attempting to guess what the outcome would be – the image that was created at the completion of the activity. Most of the time my guess was wrong.
Creative Spark.
The other day, a creative spark flew through my mind so quickly I almost didn’t catch it. Then, later that morning, it came back again. And then again, until I finally decided this spark was worth investigating.
The Difference a Year Makes.
In January 2017, I climbed Mount Batur, a volcano in Bali. That climb was a pivotal moment on my journey as I learned that sometimes you struggle in life, but the reward is great for those willing to put in the work. Almost a year later, I chose to end my 2017 the same way it started – climbing Mt. Batur.
Balinese Healing Experience.
7 a.m., my driver suggested. 7 a.m. Doesn’t he know I’m still asleep! 8 a.m., I wrote back. After much back and forth, we agreed I can be second in line and leave at 8 a.m. He brought me an offering. Why hadn’t I thought of that? You put the money in the offering and hand it to the healer Ngurah, my driver, told me.
Okie Abroad. 60 Days.
Can you believe I’ve already been gone 60 days? Some days it feels as though I just left and other days it feels like I’ve been gone a lifetime. I know I haven’t updated as much as I’d planned. I’m out exploring rather than writing. So below is the quick and dirty version of my travels and plus a fun list of 60 lessons/thoughts/rants/observations from my first 60 days. Enjoy!
Playing Big.
As you may have heard, I did this little thing last week. It was called quitting my job. Remember that? Well, everyone wants to know what’s next. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, I’m happy to share my upcoming plans with you.
Blind Faith.
Over the course of the past year, my faith has grown exponentially. I can’t explain why exactly. Maybe it’s because I’ve invested time and energy into listening to myself, digging deeper for answers rather than placing blame on external forces. What I’ve discovered is nothing short of amazing to me.
Of Mice + Men.
My mom had a mouse problem. She’d probably kill me if she knew I was telling you that. However, seeing as she’s one of my three subscribers, she’ll find out soon enough! Mice are typical when you live on an acreage in rural America. (Side note for those of you who don’t know me, “acreage” for my mom is 3 acres, but let’s roll with it ) In light of her problem, I helped clean out her kitchen cabinets a couple of weeks ago. You see, her kitchen cabinets were the mice’s playground so they needed a good cleaning.
Magic + Manifesting.
Did I mention I took this crazy, little adventure to the magical island of Bali in January? Because I did. And it was life-changing. How, you ask? The Universe gave me 3 distinct gifts that transformed the way I live – perseverance, an awakening, and clarity.
Reflections on 2016.
2016, where did you go? It's hard to believe 2017 will soon be knocking on my door. As I reflect on the days flown by, I pause to remember just how far I've come on my journey.
The Storyteller In Me.
Since I was little, I always wanted to be a writer. In fifth grade, I remember borrowing my sister’s word processor where I typed up a short story about a boy who had cancer. Who does that? Especially as a fifth grader?! Then, as a senior in high school, I wrote the world’s longest graduation speech. Seriously. Just ask anyone I graduated with and they’ll agree! I simply wanted my words, my life, to be an inspiration to others.