Okie Abroad. 60 Days.

Can you believe I’ve already been gone 60 days? Some days it feels as though I just left and other days it feels like I’ve been gone a lifetime. I know I haven’t updated as much as I’d planned. I’m out exploring rather than writing. So below is the quick and dirty version of my travels and plus a fun list of 60 lessons/thoughts/rants/observations from my first 60 days. Enjoy!

Where I’ve Been
I spent 3.5 weeks in Barcelona, first at an AirBNB, then a hostel and then back to an AirBNB. I met some of the most amazing people. Read about them here if you haven’t already. I saw the Sagrada Familia, went to mass said in Catalan, skinny dipped in the Mediterranean at night, spent days and nights at the beach soaking up the sun, enjoyed a sunset sail, saw flamenco dancing, took a ton of yoga classes, met up with a friend from LA and kayaked in Costa Brava, navigated my way to Sitges, conquered public transportation and thoroughly enjoyed my time.

Next, it was off to Greece to mark an item off my bucket list.  I initially spent 5 days in Athens before heading to the island of Paros. In Athens, I island hopped with a new friend from New Zealand, explored the ancient ruins of the Acropolis, visited Sounion to see the Temple of Poseidon, managed to lose my American SIM card but worked that out with Verizon, witnessed the changing of the guards, and met friends who taught me all about Work Away and Couchsurfing.

Then Paros – the Greek island that stole a piece of my heart. I met amazing, like-minded people who entered my life as strangers, saw me laugh, saw me cry, supported me when I needed them most, fed me too much chocolate and wine, and then left as some of my closest friends. I learned a ton about yoga philosophy and my physical practice, tried poses I never thought I’d do and gained a new appreciation for my yoga teachers in OKC. I discovered muscles I didn’t know I had, did a little SUPing in the Mediterranean, and studied a lot. I let loose, let go of expectations and just embraced the simplicity of island life. It was nothing short of amazing.

And now I find myself back in Athens. I am a unique opportunity to help with and attend a 10-year anniversary event for YogaWorks Greece. I’ve shopped, explored, climbed to the highest point in Athens, slowed down, practiced yoga, cooked myself dinner and embraced the changing of the seasons – both in nature and in my life.

Where I’m Going
Next stop – Thailand. Then probably Bali. Maybe Austrailia and New Zealand before coming back to Europe. I’m letting go of the plans and going with the flow.

60 Thoughts on 60 Days

  1. You manifest the life you want. In January2017, I said I was manifesting a year of travel. I thought it’d take me 18 months to get there. Little did I know 8 months later I’d be hitting the road.
  2. You meet the people you are meant to meet at just the right time. I know without a doubt I am exactly where I am supposed to be in life. Are you?
  3. I’m forever grateful to those who know English as a second language. I wish I was fluent in another language.
  4. Oily hair gets less oily the less you wash it. And on the road, everyone’s hair is oily and in a ponytail. Just go with it!
  5. I might have gotten another tattoo….okay, no might about it. I did. I’ll write about it later!
  6. Who says you have to shower every day?!
  7. My favorite days include yoga pants and no makeup.
  8. Europeans have a fun and funky sense of style. I’m slowly coming out of my comfort zone there thanks to Cecily.
  9. I took putting the toilet paper in the toilet for granted.
  10. Washers and especially dryers are your friend. Be grateful for them.
  11. Public transportation, once conquered, is an easy way to navigate about town.
  12. Public transportation also requires you leave an hour early to go 1.5 miles.
  13. Sometimes it’s better to travel by foot.
  14. Explore. Get lost. Take in the streets, sounds and smells of the city.
  15. Americans like stuff and clutter and space.
  16. Traveling is expensive. I WAY underestimated my budget.
  17. 1 euro does NOT equal 1 dollar. I tend to forget that until I check my bank account. And apparently, I’m the only 30-something that still balances their checkbook…
  18. The whole thing about Europeans not shaving their armpits…not true. I’ve met people from all parts of the world who do and a few who don’t.
  19. Sailing is my favorite activity thus far.
  20. Stand up paddle boarding in the ocean is AMAZING. You should try it one day.
  21. Topless and nude beaches are a real thing. It makes me realize how prude we are as Americans. Seeing Europeans embrace their body at all ages and stages of life has been a beautiful thing.
  22. Greek coffee is, well, Greek coffee. Like Turkish or Bali coffee, you pour hot water over the grounds and let them sink to the bottom of your cup before drinking.
  23. I can fly all over Europe for WAY cheaper than I can fly from OKC to Denver, let alone OKC to LA. That’s messed up.
  24. You can’t go wrong with red wine and chocolate.
  25. What’s App is where it’s at!
  26. I could stare at a sunrise or sunset every single day and be happy.
  27. I love the feeling of sand between my toes.
  28. I love being close to water. Maybe I was a mermaid in another life…
  29. I’m happy being barefoot.
  30. My mat is my sacred space.
  31. I way overpacked….and I put everything in only one suitcase.
  32. The greatest things in life aren’t things, They’re people. And places. And the memories you create.
  33. Sometimes you have to climb to new heights to get the best view.
  34. Dominos and the Hallmark app are perfect for when you feel homesick.
  35. Doing laundry and cooking dinner used to feel like a chore. Now it’s a welcomed and sought after activity.
  36. I’m happy being pescatarian. I love sushi too much to be vegetarian. But vegan…that’s a whole other level of commitment. Props to those who do it. I’m out on that one.
  37. My birthday isn’t as big of a deal to me as it once was. That’s a total lie. It’s in 12 days and some hours. Feel free to Venmo me my present this year
  38. European pharmacies are the best. You tell them your symptoms and they give you drugs right there. No need for doctor’s appointments or showing IDs to prove you’re over 18 just for some cough syrup.
  39. Greek people know hospitality.
  40. All cats come from Greece.
  41. In Barcelona, I barely saw cats, but everyone owns a dog.
  42. I could live off rice cakes and olive tapenade.
  43. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Skype all make the world so much smaller and more accessible.
  44. I need cellular data. I tried WiFi only and when I couldn’t get a reliable signal, I freaked out. Google Maps takes data people! So now I own a Spanish and Greek phone number should you want to call me!
  45. I’m stronger now than I was when I went to the gym every day at lunch.
  46. Late night booty calls are not cool in any culture….unless it was a hot bartender….you know who you are and know there’s no judgment from me!
  47. The Universe has a funny way of answering your prayers just when you need it most.
  48. Your breath helps you manage your reactions. It’s a free tool. Consider using it more often.
  49. If we let fear hold us hostage, we’ll never amount to anything.
  50. You’re greatest adventure, the opportunity you seek, lies just beyond the edge of your comfort zone. Take chances. In the end, you’ll never regret it.
  51. Yoga is a universal language. I’ve now taken a class in Spanish and in Greek. You manage.
  52. I LOVE being social, but I love my downtime just as much. Sometimes I just need to be still.
  53. Keeping a routine is hard on the road. I’ve neglected my daily meditation and journaling. Time to give it another go!
  54. Don’t plan too far ahead. You want to be ready when an opportunity presents itself. This one’s hard for me, but I’m working on it!
  55. Laughter is good for the soul.
  56. I have a lot of skills to offer this world. I’m excited about the opportunities that come my way and am remaining open to what tomorrow brings.
  57. Every person you encounter is going through something, good or bad, in their life. Show compassion and you’ll receive the same.
  58. I’m constantly a work in progress, and I’m very okay with that. It was humbling to learn I didn’t know everything like I once thought I did!
  59. People you meet along the way can fundamentally change your life if you let them. Embrace them. Listen to them. Love them with everything you’ve got while you can.
  60. Goodbye never gets easier, especially with those you love the most.

Showing Compassion.


Calming My Fears.