STORIES AND TIPS written to INSPIRE you to

Transformation Transformation

Natural Beauty.

We all keep asking, seeking, until we get the answer that satisfies our curiosity. So, when my nieces approached me about the important coming-of age topic - makeup - I shared 3 important makeup mantras, which go deeper than surface level. Because that’s how I roll!

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Journey Journey

The Big Apple.

I love snail mail. Hand written cards are my jam - along with yoga, sunsets and a good patio with friends - but that’s beside the point. So imagine my surprise when a postcard connected me to a family from the small town of Unkel, Germany some 4,939 miles away.

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Yoga Yoga

Beyond the Mat.

Yoga isn’t about simply stepping onto your mat, but rather turning inward, quieting the chatter of your mind, and finding peace in the midst of a chaotic world. So when I began to beat myself up for not keeping my commitment to a yoga challenge, I decided to take my yoga practice off the mat and into my world with these 4 simple lessons.

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Transformation Transformation

Shift Happens.

When we’re in a situation that feels uncomfortable, sticky, awkward, or just plain yucky, we can wish and pray for all sorts of things. We cry, beg and plead asking what we’ve done to deserve this. Consider this, dear readers, maybe it’s not about changing the situation. What if there is something bigger at play?

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When Life Gives You Potholes.

Recently, I was driving down a bumpy, country road littered with potholes. The entire width of the road is basically one, giant pothole. And, being the expert maneuverer that I am, I effortlessly guided my car around each said hole. In the distance, I noticed one pothole that seemed larger than the rest. As I approached, I closed my eyes, tensed, and braced for impact. Fortunately for me, I’d guided my car correctly and was able to successfully avoid the giant. Last night, I wasn’t so lucky and blew out a tire. UGH! How many times are we traveling throughout life just bracing for impact?

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Transformation Transformation

The Art of Thriving.

With a little grit and a lot of grace, I kicked my fears of "never being good enough" and "what if I fail" to the curb as I set off on a brave adventure to transform my life. My adventure found me quitting my cushy corporate job and selling every possession to travel solo around the world. You can and will thrive, too, if that’s what you choose!

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Flying Solo + Lessons Learned.

This time last year, I was stepping on a plane, bound for LA before catching my connection to Barcelona. Can you believe it’s already been one year? Me either! Little did I know all that was in store for me on my journey. Below, I share with you the three biggest lessons I learned from my time abroad that you can implement into your life starting now.

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Connect the Dots.

When I little, I used to love connect-the-dot pages. Taking my crayon or marker and drawing the line from one number to the next was both challenging and exciting. I was always attempting to guess what the outcome would be – the image that was created at the completion of the activity. Most of the time my guess was wrong.

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Okie Abroad. 60 Days.

Can you believe I’ve already been gone 60 days? Some days it feels as though I just left and other days it feels like I’ve been gone a lifetime. I know I haven’t updated as much as I’d planned. I’m out exploring rather than writing. So below is the quick and dirty version of my travels and plus a fun list of 60 lessons/thoughts/rants/observations from my first 60 days. Enjoy!

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