This is 37.

Life is worth celebrating. Every up. Every down. And everything in between.

My life has been full of in betweens. At times, I’m tempted to look back on a few years with distaste. My behavior wasn’t always in alignment with who I am.

Instead, I choose to find an abundance of gratitude for all I was learning. Gratitude for the ways my life took twists and turns to mold me into the young woman I am today. And, I offer myself so much grace for the way I navigated life when I didn’t know better.

As I celebrate my 37th birthday, I want to leave you with 37 lessons that have stuck with me through the years. Some came to me at the end of a long journey while others were shared along the way to keep me moving forward.

Choose the one that resonates most with you. Feel it in the depths of your soul. Hold onto it when you need it most. It has the power to transform your life if you let it. 

37 Lessons From A Life Well Lived

  1. Just breathe.

  2. You never know what the other person is going through. Offer grace.

  3. When you feel the nudge, follow it.

  4. Travel is good for the soul.

  5. It’s okay to not be okay.

  6. Intuition is everything. Listen to it.

  7. Growth always lives outside your comfort zone.

  8. When in doubt, work it out on your mat (or wherever it is you go to clear your head).

  9. You already have all the answers that you need inside yourself.

  10. Be still and know.

  11. Home is where you are.

  12. Choose your priorities with care. Remember, they’re allowed to change as you change.

  13. When you want to give up, keep going. The view from the top is ALWAYS worth it.

  14. You matter. I matter. And the work we give the world matters.

  15. Yes, it may have been done before. But, no one has done it like you so do it anyway.

  16. When people show you who they are, believe them.

  17. How you choose to show up in the world magnifies what shows up for you.

  18. You have a voice. Use it. Speak up for yourself and the things that matter to you.

  19. You are more than your physical body.

  20. You are worthy. Capable. Infinitely loved.

  21. Go at your own pace. Trying to keep up with others leads to burnout.

  22. Enjoy your journey, let them enjoy theirs.

  23. Let go of the need to control the outcome.

  24. Every inhale invites expansion. Every exhale, surrender.

  25. You are stronger than you give myself credit for - both physically and mentally.

  26. Practice patience. Frustration only leads to more frustration.

  27. Talk less. Listen more.

  28. Focusing on the negative brings more negative. The same is true for focusing on the positive.

  29. Surround yourself with a community who encourages you, challenges you and celebrates you.

  30. What’s meant for you will not pass you by.

  31. Just because something doesn’t look the way you anticipated doesn’t mean that it can’t be great.

  32. When life gives your the choice to sit it out or dance, dance.

  33. The middle may be messy, but keep going. As Brene Brown says, that’s where the magic happens.

  34. You always have a choice.

  35. If it’s permeable, it’s not a boundary.

  36. You are enough. Not too much. Not too little.

  37. Everything is right on time. #divinetiming


Soda or Water.


Not Okay.