STORIES AND TIPS written to INSPIRE you to
The Only Constant is Change
Change is scary. Or at least that’s the narrative I’ve been telling myself lately. But who said that? And is it true? Getting where you want to go requires you to evolve.
A Lesson from Charlie Brown.
It’s easy to forget about the abundance of people, things, ideas + resources, both tangible and intangible, not within your direct line of sight. But Charlie Brown got it right.
How You Answer This Question Matters.
Would you say you’re an optimistic person when it comes to your future? If you’re reading this blog, there’s a good chance you’re nodding your head “yes” right now. Let me phrase it a different way and see if you feel the same.
Create A Ripple Effect.
Gratitude goes further when you get specific. Give these 3 sentences a try.
Cultivating Gratitude on Tough Days.
Do you ever have those days where it seems like everything that can go wrong does? Those are the times when you can really experience the life-changing power of gratitude.
The Art of Gratitude
Gratitude. It seems like the latest in a long line of mindfulness trends taking place lately. Everywhere you turn, you’re bombarded with the buzz word - especially as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday. But rightfully so. Gratitude is one of the easiest and most effective tools you can use to change your life.
Finding Love.
You may have noticed I’ve been MIA lately. There’s a reason. I didn’t mean to fall in love. Honestly, I didn’t. While many thought it would happen, I knew that wasn’t what this journey was about for me. But you know what they say about making plans…
Connect the Dots.
When I little, I used to love connect-the-dot pages. Taking my crayon or marker and drawing the line from one number to the next was both challenging and exciting. I was always attempting to guess what the outcome would be – the image that was created at the completion of the activity. Most of the time my guess was wrong.
Creative Spark.
The other day, a creative spark flew through my mind so quickly I almost didn’t catch it. Then, later that morning, it came back again. And then again, until I finally decided this spark was worth investigating.
Yoga. My Love Language.
I’m 3 days in and finally made my way to my mat. This evening found me on a rooftop in the heart of Barcelona staring at a brilliant blue sky as the sun began to fade. And wait for it…I cried happy tears.
The Attitude of Gratitude.
Early last fall, I was pretty grumpy about life. It seemed as though everything that could go wrong did. So, at the suggestion of a friend, I started a gratitude journal. Rather than focusing on what was wrong in my life, I began looking for what was right. Each night before bed, I wrote down three things for which I was grateful.
The Moment of Truth.
Bali. I want to tell you about my adventures there, and I will. I promise. But first…
“Do the best you can where you are, and be kind.” Scott Nearing
This quote hung on the walls of my office for 3 years. And now, I proudly displayed it in my home office where I see it daily. Do the best you can. Be kind. While those seem like such simple instructions, they certainly aren’t always easy to follow. Last night was my moment of truth.