How You Answer This Question Matters.

Would you say you’re an optimistic person when it comes to your future??

If you’re reading this blog, there’s a good chance you’re nodding your head “yes” right now!

Optimism, as according to Merriam-Webster, is “an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events to anticipate the best possible outcome.”

With that definition in mind, let me ask the question a different way.

Would you say you think about your future and always anticipate the best possible outcome?

The truth is many people don’t.

Your human brain is designed to protect you, so it often interprets the uncertainty of your future as danger. In turn, thoughts of worst case scenarios can arise which keep you stuck.

The good news is that practicing gratitude consistently can change that!

One study showed that keeping a weekly gratitude journal increased participants’ optimism by 5%. Another study showed that a daily gratitude practice resulted in a 15% increase in optimism.

The research clearly shows gratitude and optimism go hand-in-hand, so why not marry the two?

Focus on manifesting your future through your gratitude practice!

Yep, you read that right.

This week, challenge yourself to look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead, anticipating the best possible outcome and giving thanks now knowing the result you desire is on it’s way to you.

It might look like this:

  • Thank you for that close parking spot at Target. I was running late and am so grateful I didn’t have to go up and down the rows to find a spot to park. (PS - you haven't left your house to go to Target yet.)

  • I'm so grateful for the bonus at work. The extra funds are so helpful with the upcoming Christmas season. Thank you, God, for the extra cash. (PS - Bonuses haven't been announced yet.)

  • I’m so grateful for my future partner. You knew just who I needed in my husband. Thank you for the way he makes me laugh, is supportive of my dreams and makes me feel so loved. (PS - You just joined a dating app.)

Whatever you want in your future, give thanks for it now alongside everything you already have.

The real value in this doing this exercise is the inspiration + motivation you'll have to take action. Your desired future is closer than you think. And it's worth pursuing, don't you think?


A Lesson from Charlie Brown.


Create A Ripple Effect.