A Lesson from Charlie Brown.

“What if today, we were just grateful for everything?” - Charlie Brown

Sweet Charlie Brown was onto something, wasn’t he?

Abundance and lack cannot be perceived at the same time.

Try it.

Look around the room where you’re currently seated. Take in the abundance of items in the room. Also, notice everything it lacks. 

Now, try doing both at the exact same time.

You can’t, can you? You’re either choosing to focus on what it has or what it lacks.

The reality is most people choose to live their life focused on lack rather than abundance.

Have you ever thought something along these line?

  • Where's the green bean casserole? It's not Thanksgiving without it. (What about those 20 other foods that many don't have this holiday?)

  • Work is crazy. I'm soooooo exhausted. (What about that income you brought in to support your family?)

  • Why can't my kids just take out the trash? (Did you even notice they emptied the dishwasher?)

It’s easy to forget about the abundance of people, things, ideas + resources, both tangible and intangible, not within your direct line of sight.

So this Thanksgiving holiday, let’s take our cue from Charlie Brown and give thanks for EVERYTHING. 🎉

Enter the Gratitude Burst, a quick 5-minute activity the whole family can enjoy. Do it on your own or as a group!

Here's how it works:

  • Take a blank sheet of paper.

  • Draw a circle in the middle with 3-5 lines radiating outward, like a sun. 

  • Label each line with a different category, like family or friends. 

  • Free-form write everything you’re grateful for about that category within that specific “ray.”

Your final burst should look something like the picture above.

If you are unsure about your artistic prowess, download and print the Gratitude Burst PDF. You can use the categories provided, or write in your own.

Today and always, know that I am extremely grateful for you. You pour into yourself + seek out resources to become a better human so that you can love others well in return. Your willingness to experience more joy, treat others with kindness and offer yourself grace is what the world needs. You’re my kind of people. 💛


Temporary Discomfort Leads to Growth.


How You Answer This Question Matters.