Create A Ripple Effect.

Practicing gratitude inwardly is one thing.

Outwardly practicing gratitude takes it to a whole new level. And the real value is the impact your gratitude has on the recipients of your kind words. 

A genuine “thank you” or “I’m grateful for you” statement can shift a person’s day which directly affects how they treat others and so on, thus creating a ripple effect.

However, the words you choose to outwardly express your gratitude are important. 

Imagine this scenario:

  • Your coworker casually pops her head into your office and says “thanks for the coffee.”

Now, imagine this scenario:

  • Your coworker intentionally sits in front of your desk, looks you in the eye, and says, “Thank you for the coffee. You are such a thoughtful person, and I say that because you always know what to do to lift my spirits. Gosh, I appreciate you.”

How did you feel reading the first scenario? How did you feel reading the second scenario?

Both expressions of gratitude are great! The second on made you feel a little warmer and fuzzier though, didn't it?

Gratitude goes further when you get specific.

To help your expression of gratitude leave the impact it’s capable of leaving, you need to be intentional with your words.

It’s actually really simple when you follow this 3-sentence formula. 

  1. Thank you for ____________ (reason you're grateful). 

  2. You are _______________ (insert a compliment), and I say that because _____________ (why).

  3. I appreciate you. 

This week, challenge yourself to outwardly express gratitude at least once per day using this formula. Send a text, write a quick note or say it directly to the individual. 

Regardless of how you deliver the message giving thanks feels good, and who doesn't love that?!


How You Answer This Question Matters.


Cultivating Gratitude on Tough Days.