Cultivating Gratitude on Tough Days.

Do you ever have those days where it seems like everything that can go wrong does?

You wake up late. The kids miss the bus. Your low fuel light is on. You overlooked an important email. Technology isn’t your friend. And, you really want to throw your laptop across the room.

You get the picture, right?

Surely I’m not the only one who has experienced a day like that. 😫

Finding gratitude can come easily when it’s someone or something you love or a great experience you had.

But, let’s be honest. There are those situations, scenarios and seasons when gratitude is hard to find. You're stuck in a rut, everything seems to be going wrong, or you experience negative feelings around what’s taking place.

Friend, those are the times when you can really experience the life-changing power of gratitude.

But how? Where do you start?

When being grateful is challenging, use these 10 questions as a guide to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. You might be surprised at the answers that arise from within you.

  • How am I a better person for having encountered this person?

  • What have I learned about myself from this person?

  • How does this place inspire me?

  • Who am I when I’m in this space?

  • How does this object make my life easier?

  • How has this object challenged me and made me better?

  • How did I show up authentically in this scenario?

  • Where did I use my voice?

  • Where has my life improved and why?

  • In what ways have I grown as a person?

If you need more help getting started, here's a full list of 60+ questions to reflect on as you move through your gratitude practice.


Create A Ripple Effect.


That Time When A Monkey Sat on My Head.