That Time When A Monkey Sat on My Head.

My monkey moment. It’s the day my life changed. 🐒

I was sharing the story recently with a friend, and in looking back I could tell how low of a low point I was at.

When I was at that point in my life, it certainly didn’t feel like a low point. I had great friends, an incredible support system, a job I loved. I was a social butterfly. To the world, I had it all together. Yet, I was slowly crumbling inside.

What I didn’t realize at the time was how I turned to those outside sources to fill this gigantic hole in my heart. I would numb out on the high that being with them gave me so I didn’t have to address the constant ache in my heart.

Bali changed that. But how did I get to Bali?


Someone I admired posted about a yoga retreat in Bali and immediately I felt drawn to it.

I remember calling my mom late one night in tears to tell her I wanted to fly half way across the world with strangers to fix my broken heart. She didn’t hesitate in telling me to go. She could see I was hurting even when I couldn’t.

Then one night in Bali, we hiked to the top of a volcano at 2am to catch the sunrise. There a monkey perched on top of my head and literally opened my eyes to a whole new life that awaited me. That’s a whole story in itself that I’ll save for another time.

My life changed on that mountain. With a clarity I’d never experienced before, God revealed his presence to me. I was reminded that I get a say in my life. No one said I had to walk through life on autopilot, numb and disengaged.

The universe had my back and anything I set my heart to was possible. Navigating my journey became easier from that moment on.

Now, I’m the one hosting a retreat that I’m posting on Instagram. Ironic, don’t you think? It isn’t in Bali this time, but in the beautiful foothills of Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs.

I’m not saying you’ll have the same experience I did. I’m asking you to remain open to the way the Holy Spirit moves in you and those around you. Will you join me in Colorado?


Cultivating Gratitude on Tough Days.


That Time When Silence Was Golden.