Not Okay.

How are you? 

How many times do we hear that question and utter the words “fine” or “great” without actually checking in with ourselves. Or we say them because we don’t want to burden someone else with our problems. Or we choose not to say anything but “fine” because if we continue to ignore the signs and symptoms it will all just go away.

It’s okay not to be okay. 

Last week, I hit a wall. Maybe it was the pandemic. Maybe it was the heightened anxiety over the election. Maybe it the stress of saying too many yeses and not enough nos. Or maybe it was my body’s way of rebelling for teaching 6 yoga classes within 24 hours. Who knows?!

What I do know is that last Tuesday, I was not okay. It’s scary to admit that some days I don’t have it all together. And it’s scary to ask for help. 

Know this - it is also perfectly okay to do both of those things. 

You are not alone, sweet friend.

Between the rising COVID numbers across our nation and the upcoming holidays, stress can be expected.

Here are a few things I did to help reduce my stress that might be helpful to you as well:

  • Turn off your phone, even for an hour. If this adds to your stress, don’t do it! Maybe try leaving it in another room for an extended period of time.

  • Cancel your plans. Don’t let other people’s opinions about you disrupt your peace. Give yourself permission to walk away.

  • Take a break from social media and the news for an hour, a week and even longer if needed.

  • Try some mindfulness activities, like journaling, yoga or meditation.

  • Sit with it, what ever you’re feeling, for 5 minutes, 30 minutes or maybe an hour. Allow the feelings to be heavy. Let the tears fall. Set a timer for a period of time and when the timer goes off, move on to another activity.

  • Look for people/places/scenarios in your life for which you are grateful. Jot them down. Maybe even search for gratitude in the anxiousness.

  • Book a coaching session or therapy appointment. (this was the game changer for me)

  • Take a long walk and listen to your favorite playlist.

  • Indulge in a long, hot bath with or without bubbles and bath salts.

Prioritize your health above all else. Times are tough. 

Give yourself permission to take breaks, unsubscribe, unfollow and even turn it off. 

You don’t have to hustle 24/7 to be all the things to all the people.

If you aren’t healthy, you can’t show up for the others in your life who are counting on you, like your parents, kids, spouse and friends.

And friend, the world needs you right now. You matter.

You can do this. You’ve done hard things before. Know that I’m rooting for you. 

Just Breathe

This is 37.


Letting Go.