Letting Go.

I breathe in. I breathe out. My forehead softens. My jaw releases. Moment by moment, breath by breath, I surrender.

Fall has always been my favorite time of year. One might think it’s because the color orange is finally an acceptable wardrobe color in Oklahoma; however, I wear orange year round. I’m a rebel like that. 😁

In reality, fall reminds me that it’s okay to change. To let go. To release. And more so, that it’s necessary for growth. As I write this, I’m staring out at a giant mountain in Keystone, Colo. where, over the last 2 weeks, I’ve watched the aspens change from lime green to yellow to brown. Now, most of them stand bare, stripped of what was - the life they used to know - as they internally prepare for what comes next.

These two weeks have been healing for me. I’ve realized where I still need to release. Where I need to do work in order to prepare for the growth I desire.

It isn’t always easy - looking internally and admitting things to yourself. Where I once placed blame, I recognized I was making excuses. And so I surrender. I let go of the hurt. The blame. The guilt I place on myself for not knowing or doing better.

Stillness always brings me the answers I seek. It’s where I listen to what’s bubbling just beneath the surface. I’m ripe with ideas. Hopes. Dreams. Desires and words. I want to use my voice. My platforms. My influence to help others navigate the change.

It wasn’t until I was willing to put my armor down and let the old leaves fall away that clarity came to me.

🧡 In November, I’m launching a digital version of my Manifesting + Mimosas workshop. I’m giddy with excitement. Im pouring into the curriculum and women in a way I didn’t get to in a live workshop. We’ll be letting go, finding stillness, creating a vision and then mapping out what we need to do in order for the vision to come to fruition. Ultimately, we’re designing the life we desire.

🧡 In January, I’m launching a Collective Incubator - a 6-week program for people looking to level up their business. Limited in size, this intimate group will meet weekly to explore business strategies, nurture ideas and generate growth.

I share these ideas because:
1) I’m 65% more likely to see success with them by telling you and
2) because I never would had the idea or found the courage to implement them if I continued to hold onto old beliefs, habits and low-level thoughts.

This year has certainly been one full of change. As the cooler temperatures set in, find time to reflect on the changes you’re facing right now. Maybe it’s in your family or financial situation. Maybe it’s in your friendships, faith or career.

Ask yourself the following questions, and get really honest with yourself:

  • What am I most proud of during this last season?

  • How have I grown or evolved?

  • What made me feel small?

  • Where can I let go or surrender more in the coming weeks/months?

  • What self-limiting beliefs are holding me back?

Breathe in. Breathe out. Sit with the questions. Moment by moment, breath by breath, allow the answers to wash over you. Even when they’re difficult to sit with, surrender. Let go.

Change is coming. Breathe and let it come.

Good things are coming. Prepare yourself.

Let the old you fall away - standing bare, vulnerable, exposed - as you prepare your heart and mind for this next season of life. You, sweet friend, are worthy of all that is coming your way. 🧡


Not Okay.


You Matter.