Soda or Water.

Are you a soda bottle or a water bottle? Odd question, I know.

And yet, it’s the perfect question to ask yourself as we move into the last month of the year.

Hear me out!

Soda bottles get rattled, shaken, and tossed about. When they’re finally opened, they explode, pouring fizz all over. Soda bottles leave behind a sticky mess that someone else gets to clean up.

Water bottles also get shaken, rattled and tossed around. And when they’re finally opened in the aftermath of the jostling, they remain calm. Nourishing. A much needed oasis.

So I ask you again, friend, which do you identify with more - soda or water?

I'd love to say I’m water 100% of the time.

Buuuuuuuut…..if I’m being honest, I can think of a few specific times this year I was more like a soda bottle. 🤦‍♀️

My family and friends took the brunt of my reaction. Luckily enough for me, they stuck around to help clean up the sticky mess.

Ask yourself some questions as you begin to reflect on this past year: 

  • In what instances was I a soda bottle?

  • What did I allow to shake me?

  • How did I respond?

  • What was the aftermath?

  • Looking back, how does that make me feel?

And also ask yourself these questions:

  • Where was I more like a water bottle?

  • What tried to shake me?

  • How did I respond?

  • What was the aftermath?

  • Looking back, how does that make me feel?

The truth is, life will happen all around you. 2020 is proof enough of that. It was a doozy of a year that no one saw coming.

You’ll get jostled. Friends will rattle you. Employers will shake you. Family might toss you about without a care.

When that happens, how do you respond? Maybe it’s just me, but I’m aiming for water.

Remember, you always have a choice in your reactions. How you choose to show up in the world will magnify the things that show up for you.

I hope you show up with kind thoughts, kind words and a kind heart towards everyone you encounter, but most importantly toward yourself.

Until next time, much love + gratitude. 💛

Want to channel that water response this season? Maybe you've been wanting to take a yoga class with me?

Whatever your reason, Calm Before Chaos is a 5-day mindfulness course that will leave you feeling calmer, more confident and stronger (both physically + mentally) than you were before.

Click the picture below to get all the details!!


Enough Is Enough.


This is 37.