The Difference a Year Makes.

In January 2017, I climbed Mount Batur, a volcano in Bali. That climb was a pivotal moment on my journey as I learned that sometimes you struggle in life, but the reward is great for those willing to put in the work.

Almost a year later, I chose to end my 2017 the same way it started – climbing Mt. Batur. I reminded myself when I returned to Bali that I can’t recreate the magic of January 2017, but rather I could remain open to creating new magic, with new people on the same beautiful, magical island. So, I was a bit hesitant about attempting the climb a second time. And then it rained every night for a week leading up to the trek. 

On the morning of the hike, I awoke at 1 a.m. Rain. Again. UGH! This was not how the hike was supposed to start. I’m not going, I thought. Why do I need to go? I’m just trying to recreate my last memory, and it won’t be the same, right? I don’t have to prove anything to anyone so why even go…..the negative thoughts started to spiral.

The truth was, I was scared. I’d been physically strong in January 2017 after months of my lunchtime weight-lifting routine. Could I do it now that I don’t lift anymore? Am I strong enough? I was terrified the mountain would again try to defeat me. I messaged my friends to let them know I wouldn’t be joining the hike and then crawled back into bed. But, sleep escaped me.

I was torn. What was I avoiding? I didn’t have to prove anything to anyone, I reminded myself. But I HAVE changed. I wanted to show Mt. Batur that. I wanted to show my God that. I wanted to show myself that. It’s not about proving, but about showing up. Doing the work. Looking back and appreciating all the struggles I’d faced in 2017.  Mostly, it was about saying thank you. Acknowledging the miracles that mountain gave me. Showing it, God, the monkeys, whomever, that I listened. I didn’t take the miracles for granted. I put in the work and continue to do so each and every day. And indeed, the reward is great.

Plus, I’d been playing in the rain for days. I knew a little water wouldn’t hurt me! That was just another excuse.

So, I got my happy butt out of bed, threw on yoga pants and tennis shoes, and piled into a van at 2 a.m. where we made the hour drive to the base of Mt. Batur. With my flashlight in hand, I began to climb. And to my pleasant surprise, the trek was easy. Yes, EASY! My breath never faltered. My mind never doubted. Instead, I rocked out to my music and smiled all the way to the top. I reminded myself of how strong I am, how far I’d come and how amazing my life is as a result.

When I got to the top of the mountain, my eyes teared up. There were no monkey moments. Just pure, gratitude radiating from every cell of my body. I sat, thanking the mountain. Thanking mother nature. Thanking my God for the amazing view before me. Not a single drop of rain fell the entire hike. I’d made it. To the top. Again.

What a difference a year makes! What a difference your perspective and mindset make. When I made the decision at 1:30 a.m. to play, enjoy and go hike with gratitude, my perspective changed. I’d certainly changed. Yes, I may not have the muscle mass I did before, but I’m still physically strong. More importantly, I am mentally strong. I believe in myself and my ability to do the things that might seem impossible.

As we go into 2018, I encourage you to take an inventory of where you are today. How are you physically? How are you mentally? What limiting beliefs about yourself and your environment are stopping you from going after the thing you desire?

You all know I am a big believer in manifesting the life you want. I’ve written about it before and recently posted my 2018 vision board. If you are interested in taking an inventory and creating your own vision, feel free to reach out. I’ll gladly share with you what I did and you can see if it works for you too.

Happy 2018 friends! Thanks for following my journey!

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Being Vulnerable.


Balinese Healing Experience.