Reflections on 2016.

2016, where did you go? It's hard to believe 2017 will soon be knocking on my door. As I reflect on the days flown by, I pause to remember just how far I've come on my journey.

This past year has been chock full of lessons, some great and others not so great. However, I am better for them all. I've learned what it means to let go. Truly let go. Of guilt. Past mistakes. Future plans. Expectations. Friends. Relationships. Perfectionism. Those things that no longer serve me in my current season of life. And trust me when I tell you, it wasn't easy. Letting go rarely is. There were tears. And laughter. And anger. You see, I'm a hoarder. Of memories. Of stuff. Of expectations. Of plans. So cleaning house and creating space took work.

I spent my year traveling the world. Okay, mostly the United States, but I did make a brief stop in Canada which counts for something, right. I explored. Oh, did I explore. Stops included Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Arizona, Seattle, Canada, Austin, San Antonio, Galveston, Dallas, Pensacola, and Georgia.

The adventures were plenty - catching the sunrise, zip lining through canyons, sailing in the sound, riding Ferris wheels, parasailing over the ocean. Road trips. Weekend getaways. And too many coffee stops to count. During my grand adventures, I tried new things and explored new territories, finding pieces of myself all along the way.

Don't let me fool you though. In the midst of all my fun, was a huge helping of guilt. And heartache. And disappointment. I cried plenty of alligator tears. And I knew I had to let go. Find peace. Create and hold space for love. I took risks, broke down walls and stepped outside my comfort zone. And guess what? That space came, slowly but surely, through meditation, prayer, reflection and a whole lot of yoga.

So 2016, you transformed me. And, I thank you. For my lessons. My friends and their candid honesty. My family who supported me mentally and spiritually. My heartache and trials which lead me to seek comfort and peace. For letting go and moving forward. And mostly, for learning to breathe again.

2017, I welcome you with open arms. You certainly have big shoes to fill.

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2017 One Word Challenge


Choosing Me.