2017 One Word Challenge

Have you ever heard of the one word challenge? The concept was introduced to me a few years ago and really resonated with me. Rather than creating a laundry list of resolutions you are likely to abandon three weeks into the new year, you simply choose a single word that sets the tone for your entire year. It can be anything - sparkle, laughter, family, health, change, determination, perseverance - whatever you like.

The only rule - one word.

It's that simple. You breathe your word to life and live it with conviction in all you do.

Last year, I chose authentic. I was on a path of transformation - discovering who I was, finding my voice, relearning my likes/dislikes, etc. I'd always been part of a "we" so I needed to understand who I was underneath my 1 million layers so I could be a "me." It was appropriate, and I wore that word with pride.

This year, I wanted a word with more significance, more purpose. I've been pondering my one word for the last several weeks, asking myself which word best serves me and the hopes I have for 2017. Several great choices came to mind. Change. Brave. Courage. Thrive. Adventure. So many choices, but I finally I settled on....

{ intentional }

Done with purpose. Deliberate. That's my word.

I plan to be intentional in 2017 - with my time, my talents and my resources. It took me years to find my voice so I want to choose my words wisely. Speak in an effort to lift others up and inspire them, rather than tear them down. I intend to set time aside for things that bring me happiness,  and let go of those people and activities that no longer serve me in this season of life. I intend to share my talents and resources to bring others joy, because doing so brings me joy as well.

Just as with resolutions, it's easy to get derailed from your one word. But that's the beauty of the challenge as well! When you feel things go awry, reflect on you word, remember the reasons you chose it in the first place, and then set in motion changes to bring you back on course.

So who's with me? What one word do you intend to live in 2017?


Saying Yes.


Reflections on 2016.