STORIES AND TIPS written to INSPIRE you to
Act with Intention.
Letting go, practicing non-attachment, is never easy. It’s natural for us to be fearful of the outcome. Society, our parents, our personal history all teach us to be scared, rather than child-like in our pursuits, exploring with wonder and curiosity.
Be Present.
By constantly being in your head you miss out on the here and now. You lose out on the precious moments you’ve been given today. So, how do you remain present when you’re busy working, carpooling, and planning for the future? Here are 6 ways to get out of your head and come back to the present moment.
2017 One Word Challenge
Have you ever heard of the one word challenge? The concept was introduced to me a few years ago and really resonated with me. Rather than creating a laundry list of resolutions you are likely to abandon three weeks into the new year, you simply choose a single word that sets the tone for your entire year. It can be anything - sparkle, laughter, family, health, change, determination, perseverance - whatever you like.