A Love Note to My Future Self

I’m sitting here on the eve of my 38th birthday reflecting on how much life has happened in such a short amount of time. Good times and bad. Happy and sad. Highs. Lows. And lower lows. And even higher highs.

And I started writing, because that’s what I do. This started out as a “38 Things I’d Tell My Younger Self” blog. Then I remembered a recent conversation I had with my friend Jaime. You can’t go back to the old you. No matter how much you want it, she doesn’t exist anymore. 

The old Mandi is gone. And in her place is me with all the ups and downs that have molded me into who I am today. 

So instead of looking back, I chose to look forward. What do I want for my future self? Who do I want to become?

Here are 38 things I’d like to tell her:

  1. I’ve been praying for you.

  2. May your hands be as gentle and caring as your granny’s.

  3. May you learn to draw better at Pictionary.

  4. May you always have a fire in your belly.

  5. May your passport be full and your memories plentiful.

  6. May you allow yourself to be loved and know that you are lovable.

  7. May you continue to lean in and trust your intuition.

  8. May you not shy away from courageous conversations.

  9. May your dance moves be better than Sicily’s.

  10. May you continue writing because you have a story worth sharing.

  11. May you embrace stillness and guide others to do the same.

  12. May you never quiet your inner voice.

  13. May you speak kind words to those you encounter.

  14. May you always know and honor your worth.

  15. May you make friends wherever you go.

  16. May you always seek your heart’s truth.

  17. May you embrace the tough seasons + allow them to be your teacher.

  18. May you always feel your feelings.

  19. May you never tire of watching the sun set.

  20. May you always play big and take up space in this world.

  21. May you laugh - daily.

  22. May your creativity bring joy to others.

  23. May you always bring others up rather than tear them down.

  24. May never tire of exploring.

  25. May you continue to listen to your body when it tells you to slow down.

  26. May you always enjoy afternoon naps.

  27. May you continue to dance around your living room regardless of who’s watching.

  28. May you find a partner who will dance right alongside you.

  29. May you be a leader people want to work with and for.

  30. May you continue to take risks.

  31. May you always give more than you take.

  32. May you never allow your fears to hold you back.

  33. May you always ask the tough questions of yourself and others.

  34. May you stay humble + intentional even as success finds you.

  35. May you enjoy a giant watch party when your Hallmark debut happens.

  36. May you allow yourself to make mistakes.

  37. May you always find your way back to your yoga mat.

  38. May you sit on your front porch when you’re old and gray with no regrets.

What would be on your list? Give it a try. It’s a powerful exercise in letting go of what no longer serves you while looking ahead to the next season.

That same friend recently shared this quote, “When you write the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen!”

Who are you becoming?


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