The Game Isn't Over Yet.

With approximately 1:14 left in Saturday’s Bedlam football game, I thought my Cowboys were going to blow it. Games are often won and lost within those last precious moments. And as an avid Oklahoma State fan, I’ve gotten used to losing big games based on dumb coaching calls in those final minutes. 

But last night, my Cowboys held strong. *Cue Orange Power*

That’s what I want for you in the coming weeks, friends. Hold strong. The game isn’t over yet. 

Oftentimes it feels like the minute Thanksgiving is over the hustle of the holidays sets in. Does anyone else feel this? 

It’s as if the anticipation of Christmas gets lost in the hustle + bustle. There are presents to buy and parties to attend. Work to be done and gifts to be wrapped. Cards to be sent and kids to entertain. Schedules to coordinate and meals to prepare. 

So. Much. Busyness. 

And in the midst of the busyness, it’s easy to take your eyes off the prize. The win. The end game. 

Pull out your 2021 vision board. What do you have left to complete?

Looking ahead to the new year feels easier than sticking it out and staying with it, whatever it is. 

Training for a marathon. Writing a book. Painting. That home project you wanted to complete. Those books you wanted to read or the pounds you wanted to lose.

I’m here to remind you that we still have an entire month left to make those goals happen! That’s a lot of time left on the clock - more than 45,000 minutes according to Google!

You can make progress or you can make excuses. It’s your choice. Instead of forcing yourself to choose either work or play, what if you allowed yourself to approach the holidays with a both/and mentality?

Both work and play. Strategic and spontaneous. Chaotic and orderly. 

That’s the beauty of life. It’s complicated and messy and also so much fun! It can be busy and totally boring in that you’re doing the same thing, keeping your foot on the gas and moving forward. It can be frantic and still full of laughter, joy + magic. It can be organized chaos, like a synchronized dance that only you and your family can perform.

You’re in the final moments of this year. What call will you make to help bring your vision board to life? Don’t throw in the towel and give up on all the excitement + beauty + possibilities that 2021 has to offer.

Finish strong, friends. Can you do that? I know you can.

In order to get the both/and experience, here’s what I recommend -  make a list of five things that bring you joy during this season. From hot cocoa bombs with the kiddos to watching Hallmark 24/7, if you love it, write it down! 

Over the next five weeks, complete one of those items every single week. Be intentional with your time. Do things that light you up so that when you do the necessary things to finish strong, you’re fueled by joy.

Enjoy the magic that only December brings. Remember, both/and is possible. And, if my Cowboys can pull off a win, I know you can too! 


Slow Growth is Still Progress.


A Love Note to My Future Self