Why Reading 100 Books Was a Problem.

I love to read. From the time I was little, I could be found with a book in my hand. I’d read to my mom, my teddy bears, my friends, basically anyone who’d listen.

Then why was it a problem when I set out to read 100 books in 1 year?

The books weren’t the problem. My Nook was overloaded with options. 

And time wasn’t the problem. In fact, I’d read 85 books by Aug. 15, well ahead of schedule.

So what then was the problem? 

It was what the books represented for me – an escape.

Just like people turn to work, exercise, food or even TV, I’d taken something that is good in moderation and turned it into my drug of sorts.

At that time, my life was in turmoil. I’d had some big realizations and was faced with even bigger decisions. My intuition was telling me one thing, but my head was telling me all the reasons I shouldn’t follow through, so I’d open a book.

Have you ever done that? You come to a conclusion but can’t muster up the courage to act on it?

News flash - taking no action is still an action. 

The magic you seek is in the work that you’re avoiding. 

Books didn’t bring about the results I wanted for myself. Instead, reading allowed me to escape my day-to-day chaos to be the hero in the story instead of the victim of my inaction which only delayed my healing.

Look, I’m not saying you shouldn’t read anymore! Books are an excellent source of wisdom and entertainment. 

But what if there were a way to create a life you didn’t want to escape in the first place?

It’s easier than you think. What that means for you is doing the work now to bring about the results you want. The real value is the joy you feel when you open your eyes in the morning and actually look forward to the story you’re writing with your life.

When you find yourself reaching for that proverbial book, ask yourself if you’re simply enjoying a favorite pastime or delaying the inevitable. If your answer is the latter, consider these alternatives.

  1. Notice where you are making a mountain out of a molehill.

  2. Reframe your narrative.

  3. Focus on the best case scenario. 

  4. Believe in your ability to do brave things.

Doing the work brings about the results, friend. 

That could look like having courageous conversations, waking up at 6am, putting yourself out there or even walking away. It might mean you need to hire a coach. What it definitely means - putting yourself first. 

What are you willing to do to create the life you don’t want to escape? 


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