Labor of Love.

You know those dreams you have? Consider this your sign to take the first step.

After pursuing a gigantic dream of mine, I now compare chasing your dreams to birthing a child. Although, let’s be honest, everything I know about that came from movies like Knocked Up, Look Who’s Talking and Nine Months, or from my sister who pops kids out like candy. 😂

Hear me out!

  • You’re excited about the idea of having a baby.

  • Then, you start actively trying when you think of all the reasons this could put a damper on your lifestyle. You may even decide to delay for a bit. 

  • Yay, surprise! You’re pregnant! You’re excited and possibly terrified in the same breath.

  • In the first trimester, maybe you get sick. Life feels hard. You don’t know what you’re doing, and you’re possibly cursing the man who did this to you.

  • In the second trimester, life is blissfully happy. You’re sharing the news with everyone, preparing the nursery, and imagining holding a precious babe in your arms.

  • In the latter part of the third trimester, you’re officially over being pregnant. You’re hot, tired of having swollen everything, and just want this baby out.

  • Yay! You give birth. When holding your baby, you forget that just a couple weeks ago you had cankles and were super uncomfortable with the growth.

Like having a baby, there’s never a right time to chase your dreams.

It can be scary to take that first step and once you do, your system might become flooded with all the imposter feelings. You may even decide not to go after it.

Is this where you are currently? If so, keep reading!

After taking a few steps, you can find your stride. You begin to see progress and share your dream with others. You’re writing a book! Getting married! Running a marathon! Traveling the world!

As it gets closer to your dream becoming a reality, you’re so over it. You don’t want to run another mile. You don’t care what the illustrations look like. You could care less if the cake is vanilla or chocolate. You simply want to be on the other side of the dream to experience the reality of that sweet babe in your arms.

With one giant push, or leap of faith, you make the thing happen. You quit the job! You said, “I do!”you published the book! You crossed the finish line! As you heave a sigh of relief for having birthed that dream, you’re met with feelings of pride for the feat you accomplished.

This calls for a celebration! 🎉

As Emery’s mom says in my book, “The journey is the best part of all that’s in store.”

It’s those quiet moments when you want to give up, and the big moments when you’re making great strides, that matter most.

That’s where you say “yes” to your intuition. That’s where you build your resilience. That’s where you proceed even when you don’t know the outcome. That’s where your faith grows stronger.

You’ll learn more about your strength, tenacity and capacity for self-love in those moments.

Can you find the courage to say yes to your dream today?

It takes 9-ish months before a baby comes into the world. It took 3 years for Emery’s Brave Adventure to become reality. Have patience with yourself. Give yourself grace, and take one turtle step a day to help bring your dream to life.


What Brings You Joy?


Making Mistakes.