Better Together.

You all know I’m about trusting my intuition and taking leaps of faith, right? From saying goodbye to the traditional 9-5 to flying solo around the world, I like to play life on a grand scale. 

Yet, I found myself playing very small recently. I was being presented magnificent opportunities - like from my 2017 vision board opportunities - and found myself terrified. 

Has that ever happened to you? You ask for something, pray about it, put it on your vision board and work to make it happen. Yet, when it appears you kinda freak out…no? Just me?!

I read a quote this other day: “What if the obstacle you’re currently facing is preparing you for all that you asked for?” Those words caused me to pause. 

Up to this point, everything I’ve been through in my adult life was preparing me for this leap of faith. From unofficially being named Director of Corporate Culture to covering for a woman who needed a sabbatical from her business - I was prepared for everything I’d asked. 

And so, with faith that could move mountains, I recently purchased a female coworking space in my Edmond, Okla. I’ve been hosting workshops and officing out of the space for over a year, and I’m absolutely in love with all that it represents. 

Am I scared I’ll break a well-oiled machine? Yes. Will that actually happen? Not likely. That’s just my fear talking. I figured as much as I coach others about overcoming fears, taking leaps of faith, or believing in themselves that it was time I took my own advice. 

It’s easy to be our own worst enemy. The voice inside our heads starts to tell us why “Becky” would better the better choice. How we’re not qualified or prepared enough. How we’re too young or too old. Luckily for me, my sister reigned that little voice back in with one simple question:

Is that true?

I use this question with clients (and my sister) all the time. Is that true? Or is it simply a story you’re telling yourself? There isn’t a right or wrong answer. By pausing to reflect, you allow room for curiosity. You give yourself permission to question everything and ask, “what if?”

At my coworking space, The Collective, we have a motto - better together. I watch these amazing women live this motto day in and day out. They aren’t fearful of competition or stealing clients. Instead, you see open dialogue, sharing of information and a spirit of collaboration. 

From observing the community at The Collective to my sister talking me through my fears, I’m constantly reminded that we truly are better together. When we come together in community and challenge each other to step into the best version of ourselves on any given day, we all win.

We are six(ish) weeks into the new year - the time when most people give up on their dreams/intentions/resolutions. Rather than quitting cold turkey, reflect of the following:

  • Where am I playing small?

  • How am I being prepared for what I’ve asked?

  • Is this my fear talking to me?

  • Is it true?

  • What needs to change or evolve in order to keep moving forward?

Remember, if you’re unhappy with your current reality, you can change it. You can ditch the story you keep telling yourself and write a new one. That transformation you seek starts with you. With your heart.

Will it be tough? Maybe. Will it be worth it? Absolutely. And as your coach, I can help. Through personal 1:1 coaching with me or in a small, intimate group setting, we’re better together. Let me know how I can serve you.



