
Several years ago, in a moment of sheer frustration, I stormed into my best friend’s office stating that one day I’d be my own boss. A little dramatically, I threw myself into the chair in front of her desk and proceeded to ramble off all the reasons I’d never work for another person in my life - office politics, tied to a desk, red tape, did I mention office politics?

After a 30-minute rant, we began to dream. What would it be like to work from the beach? Or in yoga pants? Or from my bed? The possibilities were endless.

But alas, I dutifully put my head down and went back to work.

Later that same year, I left that company for another corporate position. My friend, she jumped. That dream she had in her head, she quickly made it into a reality. While I slaved away doing the daily corporate grind, she slaved away building her empire.

She encouraged me to join her. To trust. To take a giant leap of faith. I was too scared. Too afraid of the unknown, the what if. Honestly, too comfortable. I was my own worst enemy.

"Jump," she told me. "When you leap the net appears," she assured me. "Maybe for you, but not for me," I thought as I kept myself confined to the box in which I'd put myself.

Little did I know that 3 short years later I’d find the courage to leap. And what’s ironic (divine timing, really) is that when I finally jumped, the net appeared just as she had said. The net looked a little differently than I had anticipated, but it was there. Right on time.

Has that ever happened to you? When you finally bite the bullet and do the thing you said you wanted to do, you think, “Huh, why did I wait so long?”

I invite you to be brave, friends. You don’t have to take the giant leap if you are not ready. You can, however, take small turtle steps in the direction of your dreams. Where are you playing small and limiting yourself?

That business idea you have, how can you make it a side hustle? That job you want, what skills can you acquire now to get you closer to landing the interview? The book you want to write, how much time per day can you dedicate to writing right now? That vacation you want to take, how much are flights? Where would you stay?

Sometimes, you simply have to take the next right step for right now.

Can you get out of your own way and do just that?

As you finish out the last 28 days of 2019, how can you position yourself to live your dreams in 2020? What does living intentionally look like for you? Where do you go from here?

If you need help honing your vision or figuring out that next right step, I’m here to help. Through year end, I’m offering a single, 60-minute coaching session for only $75 (that’s $100 off). Together, we’ll dive into your vision and create a plan of action to get you there. I’ll help you see the net that’s always been right in front of you.


Better Together.

