
I’ve been over on Instagram keeping it real with Annie Downs’ “100 Days to Brave” devotional. Which actually brings me to this month's food for thought: Job vs. Calling

Writer Annie Downs first introduced me to the idea of a calling versus a job in her devotional, "100 Days to Brave. (sidenote - we’re currently on day 43. Join us on our journey to be brave as we end 2019. Ask me how.)

Your calling, as she suggested, is that thing you feel called to do regardless of where you are in life. It’s that one golden thread you can see woven all throughout your story.

Many of us think of our jobs as our calling. Then, when we leave a job, it can feel as if we’re losing a part of ourselves because we’ve identified so closely with that function or title. That’s the difference between a job and a calling - your calling doesn’t leave you. 

Imagine it like the beautiful golden thread woven throughout the tapestry of your life. Jobs will change. Friendships will change. Relationships will change. Your physical space will change. Yet, your calling remains the same. This thread started when you were a child, wove together all throughout your formative year and is still present well into adulthood.

As I reflected back on this idea of calling versus a job, I began to question everything I’ve ever done. I once thought event planning was my calling. I’ve been an event planner since I was 15 years old and still do it today. But in hindsight, it’s always been a job - a means to an end. So I began to ask myself why I was drawn to event planning, and what the “end” was I’d hoped to achieve with each event I planned. 

That’s when my calling began to take shape. I want to inspire people. I love bringing people together, creating connections and leaving people better than I found them. And, I love helping them take action toward their goals, dreams, projects, etc. I light up inside when they learn about themselves and grow, when they make progress on their dreams, take leaps of faith or see a project through to completion. 

Helping others take inspired action toward a bold, brave and authentic life is what I feel called to do. 

And, looking back, I see how this thread has been shaping the tapestry of my life all along - from planning an event encouraging sophomores and juniors in high school to speak up and use their voice to singing a duet with a camper at church because he was terrified to go on stage alone.

I’ve supported friends in their decision to carry a baby to term, mentored young communications professionals, helped friends train for a marathon they never thought they could run, planned events helping others to realize their dreams, and now coach women on finding their authentic selves. 

The older I’ve gotten, the more apparent this thread has become in all that I do. Now, I not only inspire others through my words of encouragement, but the way I choose to live serves as a reminder that a bold, brave and authentic life is possible for anyone. 

So don’t procrastinate. What are you called to do? What is the golden thread you see in your own tapestry? How can you do that right now? You don’t need 100k followers, or a new job, or your kids to graduate high school before you start. Start now. 

Do that thing you were called to do right now, where you are now, with what you have. Be brave, sweet souls.



