
I attended college an hour away from where I grew up. Not too far, but just far enough that I felt away from home. I created space between what was, and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead of me as a young college sophomore. During school breaks,, I’d drive down the main street in my hometown and notice this tingly sensation in my body. My heart would begin to flutter. As the miles passed and my childhood house came into view, my heart would begin bouncing out of my chest. Home

As the years passed and the college days were long gone, I would get that same sensation each time I returned to my college campus for football or basketball games. As I drove the long stretch of Highway 51 coming into Stillwater, my excitement would grow and my heart would flutter. The place where I matured. Where I fell in love. Where I  became a young professional and mentored other college students to do the same.. Where I began to make a life for myself. Also home.

And again, this sensation came to me as the plane descended once again into Denpasar, the only airport on the tiny island of Bali. I spent 3 months in Bali over the course of my travels. I shed more tears in that magical place than I thought possible. And, I also grew to new heights. I found myself again. That part of me I thought I’d lost forever. She was there the whole time, covered up by unmet expectations. I loved her there. I nurtured her there. I shed layers there. I stepped into who I was, who I am and who I am yet to be  - all there. In Bali. Also home. 

Now, all I have to do is close my eyes. Most of the time, like now, I’m in a comfy seat in my meditation spot with my coffee and journal nearby.  My eyes close, I take a deep inhale, and as I exhale the outside world falls away. My to-do lists are gone. The schedule has disappeared. Facebook and Instagram cease to exist. It’s just me. And my body begins to tingle. With each exhale, my heart begins to flutter. And then I converse with God. Just me. And God. Home. 

Home is a really powerful place. It can be your current living situation or a familiar vacation spot. The old cabin by the lake or a magical little island in the South Pacific. The truth is, home is more than a space. It’s a feeling. When you are present - not agonizing over past choices or worrying about future choices, but here. In this moment. At peace with what is and who you are. That’s home. And it’s available wherever you are. 

I can help you get there. Just ask. 




Natural Beauty.