30 Days on My Mat.

I got this crazy idea to get on my yoga mat for 30 consecutive days. How hard could it be, right? That’s what I thought too. Little did I know my personal 30-day challenge would teach me about so much more than yoga. 

Life’s lessons I learned during 30 days on my mat

  1. On my mat, I have a quiet confidence about me. Intuitively, I know I will show up. I will try. I will certainly fail. And in that failure lies my growth. So I try again, smarter for having fallen. Now if I can just cultivate that same confidence off my mat.
  2. Practice makes me stronger and better, not perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist. However, growth does. When I show up and put in the effort, I can expand in ways I never thought possible, both mentally and physically.
  3. Some days are better than others. It’s about showing up and doing my best. Rolling with the punches. And simply knowing that if today isn’t my day, tomorrow will be better.
  4. How I show up on my mat is reflective of how I’m beginning to show up in the world. Will I always be the girl in the corner following instructions and doing the bare minimum? Or will I be the girl going with the flow, throwing in her own flare and learning to fly?
  5. My mat is where I feel most at home. Most alive. Most in tune with who I am and where I am supposed to be in this world.
  6. My breath is absolutely beautiful. It shows up without me even asking.
  7. Yoga can be extremely emotional. And, I’m totally okay with that. I let go of tensions and stresses I didn’t even know I was carrying. So when I felt my tears roll down my cheeks in savasana, I wasn’t surprised. It was such a sweet surrender.
  8. Priorities matter. For the last 30 days, yoga has taken precedence over many other people and opportunities. Those who love me understand and were extremely supportive.
  9. Excuses are easy. It’s showing up, especially when I didn’t want to, that was hard.
  10. Tuning into your body takes practice, but I learned to listen. To feel my energy and to give my body just what it needed – a hardcore flow, gentle restoration, or maybe a combination of both.
  11. The yoga community is just that – a community of like-minded people supporting one another emotionally and physically. They’re some of the most amazing people.

My greatest lesson was this: I am SO much stronger than I look. Mentally. Physically. Spiritually.

For some, yoga is a great physical workout. For others, it’s way to stretch muscles and increase flexibility. To me, yoga encompasses my mental and spiritual wellbeing too. I open my mind to possibilities, I break down emotional barriers I’ve erected over the years,  and I connect to a higher power. My yoga practice is so much more than a physical workout.

If you or anyone you know is looking to start a yoga practice, let me know you. I’d love to support you on your journey.



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Cultivating Confidence.


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