Flying First Class

sYears ago, I put flying first class on my vision board.

It started after I was sitting in Switzerland waiting to board a plane back to Oklahoma.

I’d been chatting with a woman my age who had been hiking in Switzerland on vacation.

She was dressed in yoga pants and a sweatshirt, similar to me, and loved to travel.

Secretly, I hoped she would get the seat next to me so we could continue our conversation.

Next thing I know the gate agent calls for all first class passengers to board.

This unassuming woman gets up and walks onto the plane.

I sat there dumbfounded.

She was just like me. How was she flying first class?

Two important reminders came from that scenario:

  1. Stop making assumptions about other people based on your current circumstances. First class doesn’t always fit the typical stereotype you create based on movies and television.

  2. Anything is possible for your when you tell yourself it is. Your age, gender, education level, background, home life, etc - none of it plays a role in your future unless you allow it.

Somewhere along the way, I’d subscribed to the notion that this is "as good as it gets" for me.

I could only be this happy.

I should be grateful.

And let me tell you - my life is incredible.
Transforming from the inside out leads to results beyond anything you could have imagined for yourself.

And life continues to get better than even that!

Two years ago, Patrick surprised me with first class tickets to Vegas without knowing it was on my vision board.

Last year, I upgraded to first class a lot.

This year, I’m purchasing first class tickets just because I can.

And in doing so, I can show other people what’s possible for them.

For you, it may look different.

  • It might be a vacation to an elephant refuge in Thailand.

  • It might be leaving that terrible 9-5 job.

  • It might be a vacation home in the mountains.

  • It might be a love deeper than anything you’ve known.

Whatever it is, it’s possible for you. And it starts with the story you’re telling yourself about what’s in your cards.

Join the Mind Your Mindset Masterclass in September to better navigate that narrative.

You’ll learn a framework to change your thoughts so you can take inspired action.

The real value - clicking book on the round trip tickets to Thailand.

Ready to grow your threshold for happiness? It starts here.


Stop Tripping Over Your Laces


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