Divine Intervention.

What was the highlight of your day? What was the lowlight? These are questions my boyfriend and I ask each other daily.

Last week, my lowlight turned out to be divine intervention at its finest. It simply took me saying it out loud to recognize that some of God’s greatest blessings don’t always look that way on the surface.

Let me start at the beginning.

Thursday was a very good day. I woke up with a clear plan of how I wanted my day to go. Back-to-back morning meetings meant I could work poolside that afternoon. And let me tell you, I was excited about soaking up some vitamin D.

Shortly after my last meeting of the day, a member at The Collective asked for my help. Being an enneagram 2—the helper—I couldn’t help but help her. She didn’t know I had other plans nor did I speak up to say no.

As I was helping one woman, another came up. Back and forth. Back and forth. I helped these two women simultaneously navigate some challenges in their businesses. Next thing I know, it’s an hour into my pool time and I hadn’t left the office. I felt myself getting irritated, not at anyone in particular. Mostly, I was irritated with myself for letting time get away from me when I was supposed to use the afternoon for play.

I hopped in my car and drove the 3 short miles home debating which swimsuit to wear for the best tan lines.

When I pulled into my apartment complex, I noticed something odd on my neighbor’s balcony. It looked like she was sitting in her chair, but I couldn’t see her head. After debating if it was a blanket or a body balled up in the chair, I walked over to her balcony to get a different view. That’s when I saw her slumped over.

I hollered out her name. Her response was a barely lifted head and eyes rolling back. That’s when I knew something was wrong. My chatty-cathy neighbor became completely non responsive.

Long story short, I called 911. With the help of two other women, I got into her apartment, wiped sweat and drool from her face, and held her upright until the paramedics got there.

When she finally became responsive, her first words were, “ Why are you all screaming at me?”

I giggled. The paramedics, not so much.

Then, one of them said something that struck me. She told my neighbor that she was lucky I called 911 or she’d be dead.

That hit me.

Hours later, I explain that my lowlight of the day was getting distracted at the office and not giving myself the pool time I’d promised. Even as those word came out of my mouth, I heard the Holy Spirit speak.

Had I left when I was supposed to I would have gotten home an hour earlier and been at the pool when my neighbor needed me. God used my delay to benefit his daughter in need.

I did what any neighbor would do. This is not about that.

It’s about recognizing how sometimes when things go wrong, they’re actually going right. God uses all things. All people. All scenarios for His good.

Are you willing to let go of your plans for the day to allow Him to work in your life? Can you see how He uses others to bless you? How you in turn bless others?

The next time you experience a delay or change in plans, pay attention to how God shows up. I promise He’s there.


Act with Intention.


Defining Success.