When the World Feels Heavy.

The late Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

If it isn’t a pandemic or snowmaggedon, then it’s a crisis in Europe. Since I’ve been snowed in at home, the news has been on my television constantly, watching for weather and road condition updates as well as monitoring the reports coming out of Ukraine.

Friends, I don’t know about you but for me, the world feels heavy right now. It’s like when will we be able to breathe freely again?

<insert exhale here>

I’ve said this time and time again - fear is contagious. And when we respond with more fear and more hate, we just continue the vicious cycle we find ourselves in as of late.

So what can you do when everything feels out of your control?

My mentor Martha Beck echoed Dr. King’s thoughts when she said, “LOVE is the greatest defense against the dark arts.” 

As an avid Harry Potter fan, this statement resonated deeply with me.

So that’s what I intend to do - meet fear and hate with love. Love has a ripple effect too, you know. 

When we were met with the pandemic in 2020, communities stepped up. Neighbors came together. Friends checked on one another and offered medicine or support. 

Why did we stop? When did we stop? It’s time we do that again. 

When we come together collectively to spread love, kindness and generosity, the dark arts don’t stand a chance. Love is disarming. 

You’re probably thinking, this is all well and good Mandi, but we’re on the brink of World War 3. How will love help?

The truth is - I don’t know how. But, I know every ounce of love we spread can and will make a difference. I feel it within the depths of my soul.

Here’s what I’m doing to take back control and make an effort. If any of these resonate with you, I invite you to join me:

  1. I’m turning off the news. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not sticking my head in the sand and being naive. However, broadcasting a repetitive 24-hour news cycle rooted in fear isn’t serving me well. I’m limiting my exposure and getting updates only.

  2. I’m taking deep breaths. Our bodies naturally react to perceived threats by going into fight, flight or freeze mode. Deep breathing, specifically 3 deep breaths, can alter the chemical reaction to the brain and help us to realize that in this moment, we are safe.

  3. I’m checking my narrative. When I get overwhelmed, I dig into the story I’m telling myself that’s leading me down the road to anxiety. Do I think I’m not safe? Do I say I won’t have money or I’ll lose my family or I’ll never be able to travel again? Once I identify the narrative, I scratch through the lie and remind myself of the truth - in this moment, I am safe. In this moment, I have all that I need. In this moment, I can speak to my mother or call my friends abroad.

  4. I’m spreading love to everyone I meet. Small acts of love can create a powerful ripple effect throughout our community and our nation. I’m allowing the car to cut in front of me. I’m telling the cashier at Sprouts thank you for her help. I’m sending a note or a text to my friends saying how much they mean. My goal - be a day maker. Spread love to anyone and everyone willing to receive it.

  5. I’m covering Ukraine, Russia, Europe, families, and our troops in prayer. As I spend time in prayer each morning, not only am I praying for peace and unity but I’m also praying for clarity for the leaders. I’m praying for decisions to be made from love, not hate. I’m praying for resolution.

  6. Lastly, I’m visualizing a blanket of love covering Ukraine, Russia and yes, even Putin. Visualizations are a powerful technique, and one I frequently use. While I may not be able to physically lay a blanket of peace and love over the two countries, I can visualize the outcome I desire. In my vision, I see the world from 30,000 feet. Looking down, I see this soft, light pink blanket covering the two nations - one blanket, shared, radiating love to those tucked safely beneath it.

Does any of this work? Maybe. Maybe not.

However, knowing that I’m doing a small part to contribute to the peace and love of those around me when the world feels heavy brings a lightness to my day. And right now, lightness feels good. 

Call it a gut instinct if you will, but I tend to lean in and follow things what feels good and encourage you to do the same.


Fasten Your Seatbelts.


Endings Make Way for New Beginnings.