
As an avid visionary, I know firsthand the power of writing goals, envisioning your future and taking daily/weekly/monthly steps to get there. I love to use my imagination. It’s vivid, wild, and so easily accessible to me, which is why vision boards are my jam.

I’ve been creating vision boards for years. It’s almost laughable when I look back and realize that EVER. SINGLE. THING. on my boards has come to fruition in one way or another. 

Resolutions never worked for me. Like many, I’d set big goals only to have them fall by the wayside 6-8 weeks later. So, over the years, I’ve refined my approach to New Year’s Resolutions. And, I’ve spent the past couple of weeks feeling grateful for 2018 while at the same time envisioning what I want to manifest in 2019.

Now, I have a different approach to the beginning of any new year. 

  • REFLECTION - First, I spend time in gratitude for the previous 12 months. I acknowledge the progress I made, where I may have fallen short and recognize what no longer works for me. 

  • VISION - Next, I dream big once again! I refine previous dreams providing more clarity and direction or come up with completely new ones. Then, it’s time to create my board! The creativity that comes with designing my board fuels a fire in my soul. I love bringing my vision to life through words and images that resonate with me. 

  • PLAN - Lastly, I recognize what it will take to bring that vision into my reality and put plans and processes in place that will move me further along my path. 

Over the last several weekends, I had the honor of bringing another vision into reality - sharing my creative process with a group of women who are serious about getting intentional in 2019 via Manifesting + Mimosas - a creative workshop. These women seek change and transformation. And, their vision boards are just the first step toward manifesting the life they crave. 

Because I had such a demand for the workshops, I decided to make the process easily available to you! I invite you to create your own vision for 2019 with Manifesting + Mimosas - an online workshop

Now you can go through the process in your own time and in your own home. It’s such a powerful experience when you do!

If you want, grab your girlfriends, make some mimosas and host your own morning of manifesting! Now is the perfect time to dream big. You’ll have all the tools you need to get intentional about your life in 2019 and beyond. 

Manifesting + Mimosas - available now for only $15


Tidying Up.


Simply Me.