Simply Me.

Over two years ago, I found myself stuck. I’d been divorced over a year and still couldn’t find my way in that new world. My job was nice, but no longer fulfilling. That’s when I took my first solo trip. I distinctly remember NOT remembering who I was anymore. I’d been part of a “we” for so long that I didn’t remember what it was like to be ME. Simply me. 

And so I started writing again, something I’d found cathartic in my younger years. No longer did I write for others or what I thought I was “supposed” to write. I just began writing for me. If anyone listened, great! If no one did, great!

Writing was one of the first things I did solely for me. It was my therapy long after my therapist had fired me and a couple months before I hired my first coach. That’s how Simply Mandi was born! ( was already taken. bummer)

In the years that have followed my first official blog post, I found my voice again and quit caving to fears of what others would think. I remember being absolutely frozen with fear the first time I shared a blog post on Facebook. Oh Lord! I was terrified of the feedback I’d receive. Feedback, mind you, that never came. It was all an illusion in my mind. 

Unearthing my core self was a process, almost like peeling an onion, where one layer at a time, I discovered what I liked, what brings me joy, where I want to take my life, my priorities, what it’s like to simply be Mandi again. And I kinda love her! :)

That’s what I strive to give my clients as well. We look at particular thoughts around an area of life where they feel unhappy or stuck. Thoughts make a HUGE impact on the way we all live and interact with others. Through thought work, perspectives begin to shift. Then we identify where clients want to go and do some dreaming + scheming as to what living boldly and bravely means to them. Lastly, they take steps - however small - to get them where they want to go. 

One layer at a time, one thought at a time, we peel away the layers of fear, doubt, and expectations that have been built up for years until we unearth what’s hidden beneath. That raw gem they are when they become themselves - fully, boldly and bravely them.

As you embark on 2019 and spend your days and nights plotting, planning and scheming all that you’ll accomplish this year, rather than adding another layer or caving to someone else’s definition of happiness, consider taking something away. Where can you peel back? What layer(s) can you shed. Where can you become more you - simply you?

If you need help or don’t know where to start, book a free discovery session with me. It will give you insight into coaching and maybe clarify some direction you’ve been seeking. 




The Real Gift.