About Last Night.

What happens when two Americans, a Greek, an Austrian and a French person gather around the dinner table?

Pure magic. That’s what.

Sunday night, at my dear friend’s home in Luxembourg, I experienced this magic. Gathering around the dinner table with wine glasses in hand, we toasted sweet reunions, hard work, yoga, and friendship. From homemade hummus and fresh carrots to aubergine and quinoa, the meal was not only healthy but also hearty. As the wine flowed and the conversations deepened, I stood back to observe the scene unfolding before me.

The night was filled with laughter, connection, compassion, empathy, intellect and inspiration all woven into simple dinner conversation. And while our phones made an appearance a time or two, for the most part, we set them aside and connected, fully embracing the present moment.

You know that silly question you’re sometimes asked, “Name 5 people living or dead who you’d like to dine with?” Yeah, that one! For me, Sunday night, that dinner with those friends – it’s what I choose. This is what I’ve always pictured. Not celebrities or past presidents. (Okay, I wouldn’t complain of Oprah or Brene Brown happened to make an appearance.) But this. This is it for me. I don’t want to talk to dead presidents to discuss history or past mistakes. I also have no desire to learn what the future holds. No sense in worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet. Instead, I want to spend what time I have (at dinner or otherwise) sharing my thoughts, feelings, customs, and traditions with friends, both new and old. Friends who lift each other up, support each other, respect our differences, embrace our similarities and live in the present moment. To me, this is living.

Later that night as I crawled into bed, I knew that both my stomach and heart were SO very full. I recognize I am blessed beyond measure.

So now I want to ask you that silly question – your dinner with 5 people living or dead – what does it look like to you? Have you ever given it any thought? Is it with certain people or maybe a specific food? Do you cultivate a certain feeling? What are your topics of conversation?

Share with me in the comments below! And send me your recipes so I can cook next time!

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Finding Love.