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Relaxation Meditation

Whether I'm simply needing 10 minutes to decompress after a long day or having trouble falling asleep, this is my go-to relaxation method. It's one I frequently use in when teaching yoga. And because I love to share resources that work for me, I recorded a copy just for you! Find a quiet place, get comfortable and give it a listen. Let me know what you think.

Studies repeatedly show that gratitude has a profound effect on stress levels by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, much like a good yin yoga class.  Calm your body and tap into the parasympathetic nervous system by practicing a visualization technique focused on gratitude. When you begin to feel stressed or overwhelmed, remember this visualization technique.

I’m a big believer in my intuition, or gut feeling. The body compass tool is single-handedly the most important tool I teach my clients. Before you can follow your intuition, you first have to know how to recognize it. Calibrating your body compass will help you determine how your body reacts when something is for you or not for you.

Your inner world is often reflected in your outer world. his quick meditation helps you to see the parallels between your two worlds so that you can address the root source of dissatisfaction.

Gratitude is shown to help release painful memories and bring emotional closure. A recent study found that after a gratitude exercise, participants were more likely to recall the positive aspects of a memory. And, some of the negative or neutral aspects transformed into positives. This short guided meditation puts the theory to the test.

When facing a difficult situation, envisioning the outcome you desire helps to prepare your heart and mind for what is to come. By preparing in advance, you show up to the difficult scenario differently, and it’s reflected in behavior that leads to your ideal outcome.

Fear is contagious. And if you’re not careful, it will take over the way you live your life. Befriending your fear and recognizing all the ways it’s trying to keep you safe and comfortable goes a long way in overcoming your fears. Use this guided meditation to acknowledge your fear(s). Notice where you feel it in your physical body. Thank your fear for trying to protect you and offer yourself loving kindness in its place.

Taking our cue from the gorgeous Aspen trees, we learn to let go of the things that no longer serve us. Through this guided mediation, we release the constraints around our hearts and shed the layers that weigh down our spirit. We allow for new possibilities of love, peace, and harmony to enter. Surrendering creates room miracles to arise. It’s simple, yet powerful.