
So the world may feel like it’s falling apart, but that doesn’t mean your vision for the future needs to be tossed to the curb. Let me remind you with unwavering faith, you can manifest the life you crave. 

Sure, we’re facing unprecedented times, and 2020 hasn’t started off as planned. But remember sweet friend, your job is to cast the vision for the life you desire. Dream it up. Believe in it wholeheartedly.

Leave the how and when up to divine intervention. 

That doesn’t mean you sit back and do nothing. Heck no, sister! The best part of manifesting is focusing on what you can control. Your attitude. Your energy + effort. Your gratitude. Cultivating the feelings you desire. 

Focus your efforts on these 4 things:

  1. Reflect on what you’ve learned over the past 2 weeks.

  2. Evaluate where you are currently in relation to your vision.

  3. Focus on the future and what you can control.

  4. Find the feelings you desire every day. 

Check out this short video as I break down how to accomplish each of those steps. 

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If you find yourself struggling, I have a few ways to help you step out of fear and continue to move forward in 2020.

Join Manifesting Mastermind - an virtual accountability group for making bold moves in 2020. Together, we’ll strategize and celebrate your manifesting journey. In addition to discussing each participants specific situation, we’ll cover money mindset, time management, marketing and sales for small businesses, overcoming fears and much more. The group starts Tuesday, March 31 and will meet monthly for the remainder of 2020. Sign up now and save $100!

And right now, I’m also offering 30 minute virtual sessions with me for only $30. Whether you need help addressing anxiety that your feeling or working through one of the 4 steps above, we’ll focus our efforts on what you need. Use this link to book your session.

Lastly, you can always book a coaching package with me. Coaching is a powerful medium, especially in times of uncertainty when you may feel extra anxious or overwhlemed. Sister, know this - you are EXACTLY where you are meant to be at this precise moment in time, even if it’s quarantined in your home. And if you’re unhappy with your current reality, you can change it. You can ditch the story you keep telling yourself and write a new one. That transformation you seek starts with you. With your heart. through our weekly sessions, I’ll help you get there. And, as an added perk, my BOLD coaching package is $100 off through the end of March!

with love + gratitude, 
