Disconnect to Reconnect.

My favorite place to work is a coffee shop. I’m a coffee junkie. I love the smell of a good brew and the taste as it lingers on your tongue. On any given day, I can be found typing away on my laptop sipping a cup of what’s sure to be pure deliciousness.  However, spending as much time as I do in a coffee shop, I’ve really noticed some interesting habits. 

People walk in, phone in hand, typing furiously. They approach the counter and look up for about 4 seconds while they determine their drink du jour. Then they immediately look back down at their phone. Many times, they’re reading, scrolling or even typing while placing their order. Stock prices, Facebook, news outlets, Instagram, email, text messages - you name it, they’re looking at it.

Society is connected digitally at all times, or so it seems. These digital platforms allow us to create names, brands and spheres of influence that we’d never have been able to do without the Internet. However, we also seem more disconnected than ever. The problem is, we’re human. We are wired for connection. The connection that goes beyond the screen - a touch, a laugh, an old-fashioned conversation. 

What are ways you can challenge yourself to disconnect in order to reconnect? Consider the following:

  1. No phone zone - in the car. At the dinner table. While ordering or checking out at a store. 

  2. 30-day hiatus - from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. All of social media. Listen, I’ve got serious FOMO about this one, but it’s super healthy.

  3. Rise & Shine - A recent survey found 46% of Americans check Facebook before they even get out of bed. Make a commitment to get out of bed and do sun salutations (maybe even brush your teeth) before logging on.

  4. Power Down - buy yourself an old-fashioned alarm clock and shut your phone completely off at night. Chances are you’ll get better sleep without the constant buzzing from incoming notifications (I’m guilty of this).

  5. Hello, It’s Me - challenge yourself to have conversations on the phone rather than through text. Try it for a week. Heck, try it for a day. There’s something soothing about hearing another person’s voice on the other end of the line.  

  6. SoulFULL Retreat - in today’s digital world, retreats are an excellent opportunity to step away in order to reconnect - with yourself, with nature, with play, with your intuition + spirituality, with each other - which is why I’m offering SoulFULL | A Women’s Retreat this spring.

If you’re looking for time and space to disconnect in order to reconnect with your purpose and passion, then join me April 26-28, 2019 for a weekend getaway in Green Country (just outside of Tulsa, Ok).

Get all the details here! I hope you’ll give yourself permission to getaway, reconnect with your soul, invest in your 2019 dreams and meet some amazing women. It’s going to be a truly soul-full experience.


Lessons From My Ex Mother In Law.


Drama Queen.