Blue Sky.

This fog has me in a funk. For the last 3 days Oklahoma City has quite literally been immersed in a fog.  The unusual weather event hovering over my state makes it hard to see what’s right in front of me. I just want to stay inside, curled up on the couch with a glass of wine and a good book. I’ve been less productive, less motivated, and less inspired.

But then, I walked into my bedroom and saw the picture of an airplane wing hanging above my bed. And, I remembered Baltimore…

Whenever I fly, I always choose the window seat. I love to look out at the horizon and realize I am a small part of a much bigger world. Several years ago on my first solo trip, I found myself in Baltimore facing a very similar situation as to what OKC is currently facing. For days, Baltimore had been facing fog and drizzle which put a damper on my explorations. Frankly, I was over the bad weather and wanted out of that city.

On the plane ride home, I was surprised when the plane ascended to cruising altitude. Suddenly, the plane was surrounded by sunshine and blue sky for as far as the eyes could see. Sure, if I looked down I could see the clouds hovering not too far away. But there, in all its glory, was brilliant blue sky.

In life, the rain, fog and drizzle makes it difficult to see what we know is true. There’s always blue sky overhead just above the clouds. When life gets rough or foggy, remember to look up. Pull your head out of the book, the project, the relationship or situation and come back to the truth. Where is the blue sky? How can you shift your perspective or step away to gain some clarity?

How do you find blue sky?

  1. Reach out to a friend, mentor or coach. They may be able to help you see what’s right in front of you that is blocked by the fogginess you’re experiencing.

  2. Pray or meditate. Get quiet and ask hard questions. Then, find stillness as you listen for answers.

  3. Create space. Maybe you step away for a bite to eat, pick up a good book or catch your favorite yoga class before diving back in to find a solution. Creating space between you and the fogginess can help you gain clarity you couldn’t see before, just like the airplane flying above the clouds.

  4. Wait, patiently. The fogginess you are facing is your greatest teacher. How are you learning or growing because of the experience? Focus on your growth and wait patiently for the rainbow that follows the rain.

If you find yourself in the midst of a fog and want help navigating the streets in front of you, reach out to me. Let’s set up a free one-on-one call to discuss your situation and see how I can help.


Drama Queen.


Love Yourself.